Apple proRes, Quicktime movies

I have to screen a artist video in very very high quality and want to use my Pi for that matter. But it seems it cannot read Apple Pro Res codec (or quicktime movies in general ?)... Is there a workaround or do i have to re-encode the file myself (which is lame) ? And what codec should i use to display very hq on my Pi ?

Many many thanks in advance !


ps: this is somehow a very urgent problem Undecided My wife will kill me if i don't find a solution asap...
The Pi can only hardware decode a limited set of codecs, which you have already found out. There's no work around, so even if someone had responded to you in time it wouldn't have made a difference.
(2014-05-19, 14:40)zelda75 Wrote: And what codec should i use to display very hq on my Pi ?

You should use H.264. It's high enough quality for Blu-Ray, and is a widely supported standard.
Don't use proprietary codecs like ProRes. No platform will have hardware decode support, so it will only play on a powerful desktop class PC.

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Apple proRes, Quicktime movies0