Internet Not Connected. Check Network Settings...
Please help! I'm at a loss!!!

I'm still a Noob, not quite sure what I am doing, yet... But, I've managed to get quite a bit done, thanks to all of you and a lot of information elsewhere on the internet.

I used XBMC on my Raspbmc RPi B+ last night, but this morning, I cannot get an ethernet connection (Internet: Not connected. Check network settings.)
1. I have the Raspbmc settings to "Use DHCP".
2. I've tried a different ethernet cable.
3. I've tried a new SD card.
4. I can't SSH or FTP into the RPi.
5. The B+ doesn't have a TP1 and TP2 power check, so I can't confirm the power is sufficient.
6. I can't get to a debug log to post.

What can I doHuh


PLEASE DISREGARD - The issue was with my router, not the RPi or XBMC!
What OS are you using?

How are you powering it?
HTPCs: 2 x Chromecast with Google TV
Audio: Pioneer VSX-819HK & S-HS 100 5.1 Speakers
Server: HP Compaq Pro 6300, 4GB RAM, 8.75TB, Bodhi Linux 5.x, NFS, MySQL
He solved the issue with his router, note the last line of his post.

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