Win Kodi Crashes
Hi - Can someone assist me with seeing what is causing all versions of Kodi and XBMC to crash. I leave the PC on 24/7 and within 24 hours or so, I turn on the TV, Kodi or XBMC crashes. There isn't a problem with Windows, nor does windows crash.

I have 3 other machines that are mirror copies of this PC, the only difference is that the other machines are not going through the stereo, but directly to the TV.

I am running:

Zotac ZBOX
Intel Celeron N2930 (quad-core, 1.83 GHz)
Intel HD Graphics
128GB SSD (2.5-inch)
HDMI to Stereo, Stereo to TV (with pass through enabled) via HDMI
Running Windows 7 SP2

Here is the Kodi log file:

Any assistance is welcomed.
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