[Request]Main Menu -> XYZ Menu
Title says notta Blush

We have certain canned home menu items; Pictures, Videos, Movies, TV Shows, Music Videos, etc. A feature guessing would obviously be accomplished via skin, to add in your own home s screen menu, or anywhere menu for that matter.

ie. Home Screen Bar: Pictures Music Movies TV Shows Music Videos Weather Settings (as a fairly normal layout. But, what if we could add in an additional category: Home Videos (could be any name and used for any purpose; music, film, etc). With this new category the database would be separate from the the others, may reside in same location just separate with its own encryption layout etc. Same could how true for a new Main Menu tab say Home Pics.

This way videos, music, and pictures maybe held in the same instance of the application without having to run a separate profile yet still have similar results to that of having a separate profile. Better yet if each such tab had its own security belonging to it. Thus anyone being able to access Movies, while only thus with a password being able to access say Home Videos.

Probably not explained in too great of detail, well perhaps not explained well at all... but hopefully someone can see / read between the lines to understand what I am trying to put forth.

Thank you much for at least taking the time in reading, if not to consider...
Already possible. See the basic idea described at custom home items (wiki).

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[Request]Main Menu -> XYZ Menu0