Kodi Helix crash on start up

First things first

1. Version Kodi (14.0 Git:20141223-ad747d9)
2. Windows 7 SP1
3. Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.40GHz, 2 cores available Video is AMD HD6450
4. 3gb of ram

Debug log Kodi Debug Log


Helix was working perfect for about 2 weeks after upgrading from Gotham. It crashed while watching something. Went to restart and it crashed on start up

So far I removed every addon. Did not work
I did a complete re-install, with cleaning out the setting, addons and registry. Did not work.

That's where I am now. Nothing stood out to me in the debug log, hopefully someone else can figure this out.

Video card drivers are up to date and are the same as they were before the problem started.

I am running gotham on 3 other machines with my standard add-ons and they are all working no problem.

I did a search. Most start up problems are related to unsupported addons and repos. I don't have any.
Thanks for any help. Hopefully I provided everything I needed to.

Is that debug log from when you last tried to start Kodi, but it crashed on starting? And is that from the clean install of Kodi? When you did the clean install did you clean out the entire userdata folder?
unplug your ps3 joystick
Yes that is the log. It crashed almost instantly on start up.

When I did the reinstall I removed every last trace I could find. Including the registry.

I have no PS3 remote attach. No bluetooth on the PC so no idea where that would be coming from .

Thanks guys
So you cleaned everything out of %appdata%\Roaming\Kodi? I want to make sure as it is a hidden system folder. Some users are not aware of where this is even though it is in the wiki.
Helta is the winner. Someone in my house plugged a ps3 remote in the PC to charge it.

So for everyone simply having a PS3 remote plugged in to charge will cause all kinds of problems.

Thanks for the help. Now I get to rebuild all of my libraries simply due to a ps3 remote


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Kodi Helix crash on start up0