Replacement for Ace
As it appears that Ace is not being actively developed for Helix at this time I need to look for another skin. My only real requirement is that I want a skin that will allow me to add a playlist to the main menu (all my daughter's movies are here). I've poked around with several Kodi skins but don't seem to see this option.

Does anyone have a skin they can recommend?
Lots of skins can do this.

Look here for a comparison of skin features. A lot of skins with custom home items can have playlists assigned.
I'm also looking for a replacement for ACE - but primarily since ACE was pretty snappy on low powered boxes (my Pi and ran nicely on my REVO). I used to use AEON NOX back a ways but it was rather sluggish on the REVO.

Basic criteria I need:
- not a lot of overhead or resource hogging
- looks nice and allows for custom (multiple) backgrounds for each menu item
- ability to customize the Main and sub-menus with "custom" items (I currently have a Main Menu item that calls a python script that starts Windows Media Center).

Appreciate any feedback or pointers to existing threads on this...
(2015-01-25, 04:56)puulima Wrote: I'm also looking for a replacement for ACE - but primarily since ACE was pretty snappy on low powered boxes (my Pi and ran nicely on my REVO). I used to use AEON NOX back a ways but it was rather sluggish on the REVO.

Basic criteria I need:
- not a lot of overhead or resource hogging
- looks nice and allows for custom (multiple) backgrounds for each menu item
- ability to customize the Main and sub-menus with "custom" items (I currently have a Main Menu item that calls a python script that starts Windows Media Center).

Appreciate any feedback or pointers to existing threads on this...

You might want to take another look at Aeon Nox 5. It's been redesigned for low end systems. Should be much faster.
ASUS Chromebox M004U (LibreELEC 8.2/Aeon Nox SiLVO)--->HDMI--->Onkyo TX-NR646--->HDMI--->Panasonic P65VT30
(2015-01-25, 15:46)wgstarks Wrote: You might want to take another look at Aeon Nox 5. It's been redesigned for low end systems. Should be much faster.

ok, will do. Been trying out others and so far nothing as nice...

I use Confluence Customizable Mod on the Pi - runs well and the Home screen is very... customizable.

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Replacement for Ace0