1yr no new releases
I am just wondering are we in a XBMC hibernation or has the development hit that wall. I was really hoping to see the DVD player take off and get much more stable with the public release. If I am wrong and there have been more recent releases please someone correct me 2006 CVS releases seem to be the last. I plan on running all of my Xbox till they catch fire and die. At which time I will mourn their tragic deaths. I am only wondering since I have been following the XBMC scene for quite awhile and a year of anticipation has gotten the best of me :p. By the way to the developers I get a few Xbox given to me from time to time as people move on to the 360 and have no idea what they have. I always enjoy the look on their face when I return the box with XBMC and their faces light up and I get a reply like I would have never gotten a 360 if I knew that. You guys have done a great job and if there is no more major releases I just want to thank you for all the work you have put in.
wow. it's like you're not reading at all, but if that were true, what would you be doing online? it boggles the mind...
you haven't noticed any development lately ?

dvdplayer will never be able to play *everything* troublefree, if you knew how dvdplayers work you would understand why that is
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

Big Grin 
Just downloaded the latest XBMC again and reinstalled. Well apparently I was getting a very old version cause this one had mucho improvements. Went back to read the replies to my post realising I would be flamed..Rightfully so. Just understand guys I had an old version that was labeled incorrectly so after installing of course I saw nothing new. In fact it was worse. BRAVO on the last version. Wow and a reply from the project leader I am honored. You guys are very much on top of your forum. So sorry if I have offended. Even plays ISO directly now.
no development?

You must update xbmc 2 times a day to keep up Wink

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