Android Recent problems RE crashing
I've just joined this forum. I tried to PM someone and wasn't able to, does anyone know why? It was regarding the recent problems with the android boxes crashing and if/what is the fix? Thanks.
New users can't use PMs as an anti-spam measure, and to encourage public discussion, since private discussion doesn't actually help the community. If it's something you can't talk about in public then there's a good chance you shouldn't be talking about it at all on this forum.
surely theres nothing wrong with the question i asked, whats the point of joining a forum like this.
I don't know what question you asked or were going to ask, so I don't know if there was something wrong with it or not...
The point of joining a forum is asking your question in the open and not PMíng it to only one person.
There was a discussion previously regarding android boxes crashing, i was only trying to find out more details about this, as the member in question had posted for anyone who wanted to know more to please pm him, which i tried to do, only to find out new members were forbidden from sending private messages.I am new to this forum and indeed to kodi, and i am trying to find my way about as to what topics are and are not open for discussion, apologies if i have broken any rules regarding this matter.
anything that is not open for discussion is also not open for discussion through PM's

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