Make XBMC to play the format/extension *.ts.001

I stream my recorded videos from my sat-receiver. The Receiver splits the records every 2 Gb. The first file always has the extension *.ts and is played well (the mplayer plays them when I choose them in the GUI) . The following files have the extensions *.ts.001, *.ts.002 etc., and I can´t watch them becuase they seem not to be assosiated with the mplayer. Where can I configure this fileformats to be played with the mplayer (in the video area of the xbmc).

Help would be nice, Stefan Smile
AFAIK you can add these extensions yourself in the XML somewhere...

Also did you enabled stacking? Maybe it already supports these filenames?
Well. I just saw that the extension *.001 is support by default. The extensions *.002, *.003 etc can be added by creating a "AdvancedSettings.xml" in the UserDir (Wiki helps). The *.001 files are shown in the XBMC Gui, but when I klick them they don´t start. There symbols in the Gui is a directory- not the videosymbol. They seem not to be assosiated with the mplayer. Even if I choose "play file" in the menu theay aren´t played. Any idea?
Sorry, I would correct the mistakes in my last post but "You may not edit your posts"
*.001 is going be processed is if its a rar file. if its not, it wont play unless you change the extension.
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i did put in a workaround for this. was it removed?
maybe. i actually dont recall there being a workaround specifically for .ts.001.
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well i do Smile

i had to be really convinced the last time before i agreed to add this hackish workaround. i probably removed it on accident when i moved stuff to the filedirectory classes.

edit: yep that's what happened. will restore the workaround tonite.

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Make XBMC to play the format/extension *.ts.0010