Live TV Bug kodi crash if tuners occupied
Running Ubuntu 14.02 MythTV, Kodi 15.1

There is a glitch if you use the LiveTV function where on a 2 tuner card, if I have 2 simultaneous recordings scheduled at 2pm, and it's 1:59pm and I am watching a different channel, as soon as 2pm comes both the recordings take the active tuners (My settings give recordings precidence over livetv), and kodi crashes.

It should detect if both tuners are scheduled with recordings to prompt.

The only way for me to watch tv while 2 recordings are going on is to go the recordings section and watch from there. If no available tuners it should simply say "No available tuners, do you want to cancel recording, or watch : {RECORDING1} or {RECORDING2}. If either is selected it simply starts playing the recording from the saved location.

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Live TV Bug kodi crash if tuners occupied0