Live TV ATSC Bug.
If you are using the LIVE TV function and ATSC, there is an issue with changing the channel with digital stations.

If my channel linueup


Channel 5_1 NBC
Channel 7_1 ABC
Channel 7_2 LAFF TV

If I select LIVETV and on the VERY 1st run select channel 7_2, it goes to laff TV as it is supposed to.

After the first run it ALWAYS defaults to the _1, so if I go back into it and select channel 7_2 again it will tune to channel 7_1, as it appears to use a different method such as taking the Chanel number instead of the id (channel 7 is all it shows on the guide, instead of 7_2 like the backend defines it, so I believe that is the cause as it appears to simply try to switch to channel 7)

The only work-around I have found is if I open the Info, and select switch it works.

The issue is likely due to the way the channel changes appears to use the channel # instead of a database table id to change. The switch command again works correctly.

Please correct.


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