Win "NextPVR PVR Client connection lost" error
I can't get the client to stay connected to the server. Any ideas what's wrong?


Will Pittenger
It looks like you've changed the pin from the default 0000. I assume you've also set NextPVR to use this PIN?

If you can enable debug logging in Kodi, then reproduce the problem, then post your kodi.log, and NextPVR's web.log, I'll take a look.
Hi will! I assume you got NVPR working on the backend client? (Screenshot 1)

Aside from the pin, Did you enable live tv? Also did you enter in the proper IP address in the hostname?
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.
IP address? I used a UNC path. The PIN is correct.

NextPVR's web.log

Truncated version of Kodi's log (actual file was too long for
Will Pittenger
It's managing to talk to NextPVR, but NextPVR is rejecting it's request to login because the PIN number supplied does not match the one configured in NextPVR's settings.
Odd. I just made sure the PINs match. Still there.
Will Pittenger
Given you've supplied no new information, I'm gonna say it's exactly the same as the last information you supplied where the PIN doesn't match.

Try setting them both back to 0000
(2015-09-28, 05:32)WillPittenger Wrote: IP address? I used a UNC path.

Try an IP address. Or (of course whatever your ip scheme is)
I really have no idea what I am talking about. Proceed with caution. I confuse easily. And drink. A lot.
This is what I do and have not had any issues
- Set servers to static IP addresses
- Turn off internal firewall (I only do PAT on the router for translation)
- Use IP instead of names to connect to the server(s)
- Hard line Gigabit Ethernet
- Disable any kind of sleep features
- All PVR type equipment and the storage server on a UPS (I have a beast computer but the switch, HDHomerun and computer only use 90-100W if I'm not using the GTX970 or encoding).

I had Ceton for years any little hiccup and I'd stop recording, get cablecard authorization errors, etc. Its much more stable for me with NEXTPVR and HDHomerun devices (1 prime and 1 OTA).

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"NextPVR PVR Client connection lost" error0