Request: Resume last playing song on startup
Hey guys, there is a long thread over in feature requests about doing this but I couldn't find one in script requests so I thought I'd post.

I've got the xbox in my car, and just want it to resume where it left off when I start it up. So whatever is in the 'now playing' list, load that in and kick off where it left - pref the right position in the song as well.

The thread over in feature requests has been open for a few years and mentions one script which I was using but no longer works in the newer versions.

I really really want something that works and would be more then happy to pay someone to create some motivation Smile
Come on guys, $50US to the person who can get this working
a) store the current song name on hard disk
b) modify starting song phyton script to use that song

I don't know how to do it (i don't know phyton and i can't use a PC to modify XBMC core) but i would agree to recieve the money... Big Grin

P.D.: learn phyton Wink

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Request: Resume last playing song on startup0