Mythtv on RasPi2/OSMC/Kodi but no recordings ?
I've installed Kodi 15.2 on a raspberry pi2 using OSMC. I also have Mythtv 0.27 running on xubuntu. I've setup the mythtv PVR addon, and configured all the settings, and enabled LiveTV in Kodi's settings

Kodi now shows the liveTV option, and I can see the guide and watch LiveTV, however, none of the existing recordings from my Mythtv box appear under LiveTV > Recordings. Are they supposed to appear there ? Is there anything I've missed ? Any ideas how to troubleshoot ?

The response of the issue could be in kodi.log. You could check for ERROR in this file or post the file using pastebin. Thanks

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Mythtv on RasPi2/OSMC/Kodi but no recordings ?0