Linux Play dvd iso from smb

I have the latest version 15.2 installed on the top of archlinux. I have an annoying behaviour I cannot fix.

What works:
- play dvd iso from local drive
- play dvd iso from smb share by navigating into the image (Right click + Browse into) and select Play on the VIDEO_TS directory

What do not work:
- play dvd iso from smb share by double clicking on the iso file => no message
- play dvd iso from smb share by "click right" + "Play from here" on the iso file
I get the following message
“One or more items failed to play. Check the log for more information about this message”
From the log file
19:36:24 T:140575089035328  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
19:36:24 T:140575089035328  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
19:36:24 T:140575089035328  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
19:36:24 T:140575089035328  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::CloseFile()
19:36:24 T:140575089035328  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
19:36:24 T:140575089035328  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: finished waiting
19:36:27 T:140575089035328  NOTICE: DVDPlayer: Opening: smb://ALBERT/Public/Shared Videos/dvd_iso/A.I. Intelligence Artificielle.ISO
19:36:27 T:140575089035328 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
19:36:27 T:140572914149120  NOTICE: Thread DVDPlayer start, auto delete: false
19:36:27 T:140572914149120  NOTICE: Creating InputStream
19:36:27 T:140572914149120 WARNING: dll_ioctl - 21392 request failed with error [22] Invalid argument
19:36:27 T:140572914149120   ERROR: Read - Error( -1, 103, Software caused connection abort )
19:36:27 T:140572914149120 WARNING: underflow: Error reading file - assuming eof
19:36:27 T:140572914149120   ERROR: Read - Error( -1, 103, Software caused connection abort )
19:36:27 T:140572914149120 WARNING: underflow: Error reading file - assuming eof
19:36:27 T:140572914149120   ERROR: Read - Error( -1, 103, Software caused connection abort )
19:36:27 T:140572914149120 WARNING: underflow: Error reading file - assuming eof
19:36:27 T:140572914149120   ERROR: Error on dvdnav_open
19:36:27 T:140572914149120   ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [smb://ALBERT/Public/Shared Videos/dvd_iso/A.I. Intelligence Artificielle.
19:36:27 T:140572914149120  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
19:36:27 T:140575089035328   ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [smb://ALBERT/Public/Shared Videos/dvd_iso/A.I. Intelligence Artifi
19:36:27 T:140572914149120  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false

Last but not least, seems I have similar bug on android while no issue on windows platform (both using kodi 15.2).
Navigating in the iso structure is not very user friendly, any idea how to get the linux/android version acting normally as in windows (double click directly on file image)?

I tried also to double click on the art cover after scrapping, nothing happen ....

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Play dvd iso from smb0