Unable to create menu
Hi I am receiving a error unable to build skin shortcuts menus within this skin could someone help me fix this please it's really annoying

I have never used this site befor so help apretiated
Still not working, I tried the Fix
Here is my log
I'm getting really annoyed with this stinking error myself. this stuff was working great yesterday why update it and cause this headache. and there is no rollback option for the update. please fix this issue. thanks
Mines resolved now thanks warlock anyone still having problems
I did a search in kodis app data folder for anything called skin.shortcuts, my search found 3 folders called that I then deleted these 3 folders and installed the skin shortcuts app from the git hub website that solved my problem

(2015-11-07, 12:48)Sharpy2014 Wrote: I did a search in kodis app data folder for anything called skin.shortcuts, my search found 3 folders called that I then deleted these 3 folders and installed the skin shortcuts app from the git hub website that solved my problem


Great job it works for me too Thks buddy been trying since in a day......What i did is i install the above link on kodi & shutdown my kodi....Next step i excess my kodi folder at Addon folder & delete the old script skinshortcuts that al.Restart my kodi with all the shortcut submenu still there without any error message pop up.Solved the whole day headeache.
I was just passing on what other people had said and reiterating what I had done but glad my post helped you was doing my head in

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Unable to create menu0