DVD Playback on Remote PC
Howdy and Merry Christmas. I did a search but didn't see this addressed -- I'm running OSMC on a Raspberry Pi in one room, which is connected via Ethernet to a Win7 PC running XMBC in another room, which provides Live TV and ripped media.

The Win7 PC has a BD drive, can I access that from OSMC and watch/listen in the other room? If so, can I do so while it's playing in the room with the Win7 PC?

Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
I wouldn't expect to be able to.
Apart from any other considerations, you would have a contention issue for the optical drive, and I don't think the remote system would be granted access in that case.
Thanks for the response - that makes sense.
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR

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