Req Kodi v17 - Audio formats and passthrough support for Android TV platform
Kodi Team,
please consider the following request to be added to the efforts you are pursuing in review-reprogram audio passthrough logic for movies files.

It would be great to have similar functionality for audio HQ files (e.g. 24bits/88khz and 24bits/96khz .flac or .wav files) and consistent management for .wav with DTS and AC3 content.

Perhaps under current efforts, enabling the functionality for audio files would not be much more effort and would be a great step ahead to enable Android TV platforms (e.g. Nvidia Shield TV) as HTPC replacements.

Considering movies audio passthrough of HD content as a solved item in Kodi v17, if audio HQ/multichannel support is also added, that would be the only missing piece of media support required for a typical WDTV user to migrate to Nvidia Shield TV and/or other similar platforms based on Android.

Thank you very much in advance and thank you for all the work done around Kodi.


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Kodi v17 - Audio formats and passthrough support for Android TV platform0