Playback icons are broken and more...
Hi, I just installed KODI on a brand new machine. Now when I start any kind of video clip / movie I have some broken icons in the playback menu.

See below.


The green static in the top is also part of this error, whatever it is...

I have tried to uninstall KODI and reinstall it, but the same thing happens.

I have installed a few addons, but only ones I always install and I have never had this problem before.

Anyone here who can tell me whats wrong and how to fix this?

Thanks a lot! Huh
It's a GPU driver issue, at a guess you've either Intel or more likely AMD graphics (cos their drivers are constantly breaking stuff).

Please confirm what type of graphics you have and which version of drivers you have loaded, so someone might be able to help you get a working set of drivers for your GPU.

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Playback icons are broken and more...1