Possible to run back up on PC?
I'm fairly new to kodi and this one has me stumped. I am using fire stick and an old windows laptop. Using adbfire, I have ran a back up from stick and the relevant files are in a folder on the laptop. I want to install the backed up build onto Kodi on laptop - is this possible? I cant see how to use adbfire tool for this 'restore' as its the same machine. I have also tried the BackUp add on and whilst it runs the back up ok I dont know then how to get the back up file off the stick - (I don't know which file to pull as there seems quite a few with 'backup' in the file name)
Any help much appreciated! Confused
You've got two o/s cooking from what I can see e.g.adbFire is a companion program for the Amazon Fire TV and Android Kodi and the Laptop is running windows? The export/import function will work, but none of the paths will be relevant, you would be better just exporting your meta-data as separate to where ever you keep your files, then re-scan locally with a new build, 10 15 minutes all is good.

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Possible to run back up on PC?0