Win resize window automatically according to actual resolution?
I am using Kodi in windows mode, is there a way that Kodi can resize the window size automatically based on the resolution of the video?
not that I know of
Hit the 'Z' key on the keyboard a few times, in full screen mode it will give you the actual display size, but in windowed mode.. erhmm, it will be windowed. Video playback (wiki) and Keyboard controls (wiki)
is that what he meant I apologise picked u up entirely wrong nice one pat,
(2016-06-18, 16:42)PatK Wrote: Hit the 'Z' key on the keyboard a few times, in full screen mode it will give you the actual display size, but in windowed mode.. erhmm, it will be windowed. Video playback (wiki) and Keyboard controls (wiki)

tried but it does not work as I expected. The Kodi main window size does not change while pressing Z key.

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resize window automatically according to actual resolution?0