<BADLOCK BUG> Android SMB/Samba broken June 2016 (KB3163018 or KB3149135)?
Kodi 16.0/16.1 from Android (FireTV) can no longer see Windows/SMB shares. I went away for vacation for 3 weeks, got back and now suddenly Kodi 16.0 stopped being able to see my PC (nothing was changed!). I even tried updating to 16.1, still same errors: "connection refused" (if you try click on the existing Workgroup or share point) or "error 2: share not available" (if you click Edit Source and try to browse).

I even tried using the IP instead of the NetBIOS name, and/or appending :445 manually to the name or IP to specify the SMB port, as some previous threads have suggested as a workaround. No dice.

I believe while I was away, the last 1-2 Microsoft Windows updates broke this due to the "badlock bug" (badlock.org) discovered and patched by Microsoft Windows updates in cumulative security update patch KB3163018 (which also contains the prior patch, KB3149135).

I see a few internet posts but nothing here about Kodi resolving this... I also tried installing AnySMB on my Android phone to test (not FireTV) to test, and that doesn't seem able to connect to SMB anymore either.

Can anyone on the Kodi development team confirm if/when a patch will be released? Will this be fixed in the next version of Kodi due out in a few days? My Kodi / FireTV is useless at the moment. :-(

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<BADLOCK BUG> Android SMB/Samba broken June 2016 (KB3163018 or KB3149135)?0