Need a Focus Alteration
Using PM3.
When you first enter 3D List mode, focus is set on the right side where the viewing options are. Hitting 'Right' once will set focus to the list box (to scroll up and down through the albums). Hitting 'Right' again will set focus on the square for the scroll bar.

What can I change to have it skip setting focus on the scroll bar square? I don't use it to scroll, and instead just arrow up and down in the list (or right or left trigger).
I would like, if 'Right' is hit again while focus is on the list I would either A) Like it to stay on the list or B) wrap back around and put focus on the right-side options. Basically nullifying and focus being able to be set on the scroll bar itself.

Any ideas?
Change the <onright> in the list container to go to itself or back to the controls on the left.

And/or remove the scrollbar completely.
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thanks, what file would i find these variables to edit?
The XML is named pretty obviously - something like 3D_CoverView.xml. It's in the PAL folder (and PAL16x9 probably as well if you use a widescreen res) of the PM3 skin.

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Thanks buddy, I removed the scroll bar...just what I was looking for Big Grin

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