Req Jump by letter using PgUp & PgDwn when the side scrollbar is highlighted
I wasn't 100% sure how to describe this in the topic. I had an idea I couldn't find that had already been suggested/tried, please correct me if I'm wrong!

So with a remote, jumping by letter in a large library can be hard, SMS Jump can work, but a lot of remotes don't have keypads even anymore. I'm sure most remote users have channel up/down on their remote mapped to page up/down instead of using the side scrollbar to jump a page at a time, so why not have page up/down key command jump up and down a letter at a time ONLY when you have the scrollbar selected?

Currently page up/down does nothing when using the sidebar, that I can see, so it wouldn't result in losing any functionality.

Anyway, would love to hear this has been done before!

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Jump by letter using PgUp & PgDwn when the side scrollbar is highlighted0