Ratings and Genre on InfoWall ViewType
Seriously Good People of KODI Huh

KODI 17 --- ViewType = InfoWall should really have Info ? including the Rating and Genre. (This is not a suggestion its a must)

That is a very important view and must have as much info as possible, and without Rating and Genre is just another basic view.

how hard is it just for once to have a perfect view without missing something.

Anyway Kodi 17 is truly a remarkable achievement in design and speed, but without Ratings and Genre in InfoWall it looses so much of all that achievement and forces many of us to keep looking or using other skins.

How hard it is to just have added them to the InfoWall view, really I want to know and how come no one just said "hey this is called InfoWall and we should add Genre and Rating".

Please consider the above seriously and hope to hear from you ASAP.

Regards and congrats on all the good you do

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Ratings and Genre on InfoWall ViewType0