Bug BannerWall rendering issue on Linux Kodi 17 with Aeon Nox 5
I've recently switched to Aeon Nox 5 because it has support for BannerWalls, but I've run into some issues with their rendering.
If I set a banner by putting a banner.jpg in a directory, but also have fanart for that directory, then the fanart shows up everywhere it should
AND shows up where the banner should be. I *think* the banner is being rendered correctly, but that fanart is rendered on top of it.

For example, I have a genre file folder called "Animation" which contains all the animated movies and tv shows I watch. In that folder I have a file called banner.jpg
for how I want the directory to look when browsing in BannerWall mode. When alone, it works as expected, I see the banner when browsing my genre directory in
BannerWall mode. If I add a fanart.jpg in the same folder, then I also get a nice background image of the fanart, like I want, except that the fanart now also shows
where the banner used to be.

I have a similar problem in the display of directories where a movie is found, but doesn't have associated banner artwork. The skin chooses some random piece of fantart
instead (which is fine if I haven't set particular art). If I then manually set the image to some banner art, it doesn't show, and continues to show some clipped piece of
the fanart. If I change the scraper to some place inappropriate so the movie is not found, and rescan, then my banner displays correctly but of course I have no movie info.
If I then use the correct scraper, so that movie info is found, the desired banner is once again hidden. :-(

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BannerWall rendering issue on Linux Kodi 17 with Aeon Nox 50