Library Categories viewing
This may be a pm3 skin feature request and a library feature request.
Currently in the library view you start out with main categories:
TV Shows
then when you enter one of these main categories you have a list of subcategories such as:
And then once you click on one of the subcategories, you are then presented with the list of movies.
Now it may just be me but I think that we might be able to eliminate a step here by taking those subcategories and instead of them being presented as folders in the gui could they be moved to the left
as a menu item currently on the left menu we have
Sort by:
Library Mode
What I propose is maybe we could put the subcategories above or below "View:" like this:
< Genres >
Sort by:
Library Mode
< Title >
Sort by:
Library Mode

It would eliminate one step so that entering the "Movies" folder would take you directly to movies and so on. If anyone is interested in developing this or has any ideas that would be great.
anyone interested?
Yes, similar things have been suggested before, now only to find a dev that shares the vision.
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