[split] HELP! Kodi 17.0 won't load
Hey guys new to the blog here ...but I just bought a f stick and tried to load kodi ...this was after going
In the f stick settings and allowing the 2 features in the setting ...third party and the other 1...anyway amazon
Are not allowiing you to download es explorer or fk without a fee....can anyone offer a way around this ...cheers guys?
Don't hijack somebody else's thread, especially if (like yours) the issue is unrelated. Not only is it rude it is likely your issue will get lost amongst other comments and nobody will see it.

You need to clarify your issue. Are you saying you are looking for a way to get Amazon paid apps for free? If so then this thread is not going to last long. In any case unless it's changed recently ES File Explorer is not a paid app.

I've split off your comment into it's own thread on this occasion but please review the Forum rules (wiki) you agreed to before posting again and use the forum correctly.
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
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[split] HELP! Kodi 17.0 won't load0