Metropolis 3.4.3 small font issue!
Hi Jingai,

I installed Metropolis 3.4.3 and I don't know if my eyes are playing tricks on we or what but the font size has gotten smaller for the "finish time" and "playing and total time" as well.

Any chance you can make both of them a little bigger again and a little closer to the size they were before? Because they are kind of hard to see now unless I am really sit close to the TV.

Did you make them smaller or did my eyes get worse over night? Smile lol

I replaced two of the fonts with more complete versions (i.e., they include cyrillic now), but I did not change any of the font sizes.

It looks the same as before here.. could you take a screen shot of what you're seeing?
(2017-06-30, 23:17)jingai Wrote: I replaced two of the fonts with more complete versions (i.e., they include cyrillic now), but I did not change any of the font sizes.

It looks the same as before here.. could you take a screen shot of what you're seeing?

Here you go


And here is a screenshot that I had posted here a while ago when I had an earlier version of Metropolis installed.
That looks normal to me, though? It is a slightly different font (Bebas Neue vs Bebas), which is probably what you're noticing. Though it is the same size.
(2017-06-30, 23:40)jingai Wrote: That looks normal to me, though?

Take a look at the second link.

Seems bigger in those screenshots.
(2017-06-30, 23:40)jingai Wrote: That looks normal to me, though? It is a slightly different font (Bebas Neue vs Bebas), which is probably what you're noticing. Though it is the same size.

So no way then to make the font any bigger?

I am ok with the style it just is harder to see now Confused
I'll make it larger for the next release.
(2017-07-01, 00:02)jingai Wrote: I'll make it larger for the next release.

Thank you so much I definitely appreciate Nod
@gate1975nlm, I added this here. It'll be in the next release, but if you feel like fixing it before then, it was a simple change.
(2017-07-08, 00:32)jingai Wrote: @gate1975nlm, I added this here. It'll be in the next release, but if you feel like fixing it before then, it was a simple change.

Thanks jingai looks much better Smile

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Metropolis 3.4.3 small font issue!0