Unable to select NFS on OS X 10.12.3 (pastebin)

So I havent used my mac mini for a while an decided to fire it up and and update kodi. went from 16 to 17.3. My problem is now that When I go to select NFS whens etting up my movie library (media is stored on a Synology NAS which also serves an instance of kodi in my kitchen on another mac, and a pi3 install in my bedroom, BOTH of which use NFS already so i know it works), it just loads for a second or two like its looking for it, then just stops. No error message or anything. I pulled this log from the kodi log folder. It mentions NFS in it, but nothing i could make heads or tails from. I have already added this mac's static IP to the NAS so that the video folder can be seen from this instance of Kodi, but for some reason something isnt clicking.

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What vital piece of information am I missing that's keeping people from having some input on this? it's the correct log file, right?

there's no ban-able material in my log, right?

Try adding the source manually vua nfs://ip/path ... does that work? Autodetection really depends on a lot of network constellation stuff (even if it works on other kodi boxes). You might also try to reboot the nas.
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
I'm still using AFP between my macs and my synology. It just works. I'm running the smf services in synology for the nvidia shield as well. I've tried NFS but hasn't been reliable for me in making and maintaining connections between macs and the nas.
Loooong work day; will try when I get home...thank you for the suggestions!
Did a reboot on my NAS because it was due a software update. This did not fix my original issue, but when I went to browse by IP, I was able to enter the addresses manually for both movies and tv, and it seems to be working. I'll play with it for a few days and do a few restarts and see how it holds up.

Thanks again!

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Unable to select NFS on OS X 10.12.3 (pastebin)0