Can't reassign button using the keymap addon
On my keyboard (IpazzPort) there is a double right arrow key on the right side of the ring which contains the volume up/down buttons. Pressing this double right arrow button doesn't seem to do anything so I decided I want to use it to enable the "Fast Forward" function (which is assigned to the "F" key by default).

So I ran the keymap editor addon and went to the global section, playback, and then fast forward, and then selected the key I wanted, and saved.
This produces a new file called gen.xml with the following contents:

<keymap><global><keyboard><key id="16839168">fastforward</key></keyboard></global></keymap>

However then when I play a video, pressing this button still has no effect.
In an attempt to figure out the problem, I instead assigned the fast forward function to the keyboard key "G".
This worked as expected. Pressing the G key would cause the forward speed to increase (x2, x4, x8, ... ect).

Then I repeated this experiment, except instead of using the G key I used the M key. But this did not work!
Pressing the M key would perform the "Menu" function, presumably because it was defined this way inside keyboard.xml

So it appears that the information in keyboard.xml has priority over gen.xml which seriously seems backwards (grossly limiting the usefulness of the keyboard mapping addon). Is there any way I can make the information inside gen.xml have priority over keyboard.xml?

If not, perhaps I can still make this key assignment work by deleting the key assignment of this key in keyboard.xml.
I would do this, except for the fact that I don't know where this key is defined in that file. There is no string that includes the 16839168 key ID and since pressing the key doesn't perform any recognizable function I have no way to know where it is defined inside keyboard.xml.

Thanks for any ideas you may have to that will allow me to make this keyboard assignment.

I did a little more research and read that the keyboard files in the userdata folder should have priority, so I have no explanation why my gen.xml file has no effect.
I also tried expanding the gen.xml file to include more categories as follows:

  <global><keyboard><key id="16839168">fastforward</key></keyboard></global>
  <FullscreenVideo><keyboard><key id="16839168">fastforward</key></keyboard></FullscreenVideo>
  <Visualisation><keyboard><key id="16839168">fastforward</key></keyboard></Visualisation>
  <VideoMenu><keyboard><key id="16839168">fastforward</key></keyboard></VideoMenu>

However hitting this key (the double right arrow on the right side of the volume ring) still has absolutely no effect while playing a video (or any other time).
I also tried renaming this xml file to xgen.xml because I read that they are processed in alphabetical order, yet still this key has no effect.
By the way, the double left arrow on the left side of this ring does have an effect. It always restarts the currently playing video at the beginning of the file. This seems to be a somewhat useless function. Does anyone know what function this is and where I can find it in the keyboard.xml file? (I would also like to reassign this key - to be the rewind function, but I haven't tried this yet because of my abject failure to reassign the fastforward function.

In an attempt to figure out this mystery, I started a video (from my favorites as I always do) and then hit these double left and right arrows several times before closing kodi. Then I looked in the kodi log file, but I couldn't see anything in the log file relating to these button pushes. So I remain as confused as ever and I'm hoping someone in the user community might be able to give me some hints about what is going wrong or how to investigate the problem.


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Can't reassign button using the keymap addon0