[RELEASE] Crunchyroll (Video) Plugin
wow Voinage, thanks for your hard work. Smile
So I noticed that hte old crunchyroll plugin that floated around here was out of date and no longer works for many reasons, including site changes and the way the site now works.

Well I fixed most of it, including to the point where you select episodes, but since I am horrible at regex (just look at my INDEX function and the regex in it, if you run that against the page it reads, you will see how bad it is) and since Python is a language I rarely code in, I am stuck and need some help.

Atm I can't seem to figure out how to pull the video anymore. I found the place in the HTML where it has the flash injection, but its all jibberish to me. here is a cut-out from the premium 720p version. and one from the free user h264 one.

h264 from http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-510074/...-1/?h264=1
[ http://pastebin.com/f2ff111c4 ]


720p from Logged in premium from http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-519924/...02/?p720=1
[ http://pastebin.com/f75739d69 ]

I included both because I have no clue if it makes a difference or not, and I wanted to present all the necessary info, even if it is irrelevant. Also the 720p total info is shorter, maybe because it doesn't play ads like the free ones do.

Also, since premium requires a login, is there anyway to include a login for the site, so that 720p can be viewed if available, because from what i understand, if an unlogged person goes to a 720p link, they would just get rerouted to a h264 version, or a version that has a play link linking to a subscribe page.

Here is the current copy of my Curnchyroll addon. The original was by noonspoon or something like that (sorry, im doing this off the top o fmy head, please correct me if i am wrong). It of course does not work fully. Everything works, up until the need to pull the actual video stream when selecting the video.


Thanks in advance for those that take the time to help.
Good man! Smile

Crunchyroll uses a media server to let the Flash applet fetch the video in the background. Tapping into that is not too hard (at least it wasn't 3 months ago).

Supporting logins is a good idea as paying members want to view the streams in high def.

But theres a big problem: most series (at least new ones) use softsubs now. The subs are probably base64 encoded but that is as far as I get when trying to figure out how it works.

If you manage to decode the softsubs, you can probably let XBMC somehow play them.

I've already suggested to support XBMC support on CR for paying members but I haven't got any reactions so far (tbh, the whole forum at CR is useless to get proper support) so this plugin might be the only way to go atm.
check out http post/get using urllib or urllib2

then you can prompt user for username/password and forward it to the webpage
Thumbs Down 
As a general update since a lot of people come to this thread: CR is currently a no-go.

Although the video might be extractable (quite easily), it is useless without the subtitles. CR is nowadays using softsubs (not encoded in the stream) which are encoded using AES and some trickery which changes monthly (if not weekly or more often) to prevent others from decrypting them.

So until CrunchyRoll wises up and starts to support alternative players like XBMC, it is unlikely the plugin will be working again.
Is it possible to integrate the plugin with OpenSubtitles_OSD-Script

I've noticed that several of these plugins are compatible with it.
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nicoli_k Wrote:Is it possible to integrate the plugin with OpenSubtitles_OSD-Script

I've noticed that several of these plugins are compatible with it.

OpenSubtiltles_OSD will fetch the subs for streamed media. it works with youtube and other video streaming plugins.

There might be a problem with getting the name of the movie/series correct, but you can always use the manual input.

Boxee announced support Crunchyroll recently. Hopefully the devs can work with them to get it backported or something. I'm not entirely sure of their relationship but I know they work closely with them. I'll just have to install Boxee and set it up just for Crunchyroll until xbmc has a plugin that will work with it.

Here's a news article:
Big Grin 

Is the CR plugin that Boxee just revealed going to be backported into XBMC? Perhaps as a closed source module or whatever?

Or is this an exclusive deal between Boxee and CR?

Note: this is not intended as a bash or to ask for this feature but rather as a request for background information as I can not find anything about it (besides the press release on both CR and Boxee sites).
The actual interaction between Boxee and CR is based on HTTP traffic which provides unstyled access to the CR database. This should make it easy to tap into the current Boxee interface and list all the content in XBMC as well.

Playback is done using a webpage holding the SWF player that decrypts the media. Javascript is used to control the player so the native controls can be used to manage playback. This might be the biggest hurdle as the SWF player is *required* to view anything and the current web-browser-like component is nowhere near ready for prime time.... Makes me wonder how they did it for Boxee...
I'm interested in this as well. However, I think it may be a closed source type of situation. I'd like to see it in XBMC so I don't have to have boxee installed on my machine as well. I can't even get the plugin to work in Boxee though.
A quick guess says that it probably won't be ported back by any devs without the permission of the Boxee guys. As such, you'd probably have better luck asking in the Boxee forum.
Hi folks, is there a crunchyroll plugin similar to the one in boxee?
All the old plugins circumvented the flash player by simply playing the media directly. CR effectively killed all the plugins when they started encrypting the subs (not the media but without subs its useless)...

There seems to be one project still going strong (though its currently broken again): http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?p=6...post692745

P.S. I know this is an old topic but for people who find this unfinished discussion, the provided topic hopefully leads to a working plugin once more...

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[RELEASE] Crunchyroll (Video) Plugin0