Unable to get Kodi to see Pulse Eight CEC device.

I have a pulse eight CEC HDMI to USB device and have install the drivers and app in windows 7. The tray app works fine and I can see the in the logging of the tray app that it can see the TV, control it and recognise the remote button presses.

On the Kodi tab in the tray app I have saved xml config to c:\users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\kodi\userdata\peripheral_data which in the default save path and also c:\users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\kodi\userdata\keymaps as I read it needs to go here. I have also placed remote.xml to this location. 

The peripherals option in setting\system\input is greyed out. I have change skin and also renamed kodi folder in appdata and still can not get kodi to see the device as a remote. 

I've pretty much come to the end of new things to try. Can anyone help?

Kodi version is 17.6.
libCEC version is 4.0.2
I've enabled debuging and Kodi can see the CEC adaptor, it's just doesn't appear to enable it. 

17:08:09.387 T:2092   DEBUG: PERIPHERALS::CPeripherals::GetMappingForDevice - device (2548:1002) mapped to Pulse-Eight CEC Adapter (type = cec)

Full debug file here.
Fix this now. I'll leave this here to help others. 

I needed to copy version 4.0.2 of libCEC.dll from the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pulse-Eight\USB-CEC Adapter\libcec.dll", rename to cec.dll and copy into the Kodi program folder, overwriting (or better to rename first) the 4.0.1 copy in there.

Now working perfectly.
What happens when you put your PC to sleep and wake it up with CEC connected? Since forever mine is hanging in half cases, just gave up with sleep and start shutting down the machine, luckily boot this days fast.

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Unable to get Kodi to see Pulse Eight CEC device.0