kodi not showing up properly in windows "media devices"
Greetings all!  I set up a standalone debian kodi.  When I use explorer on a windows machine, I see the entry for the debian kodi box in the "network" area of explorer (the old network neighborhood of the ole xp days).  When I click it, it opens a web browser (good), but it opens up "localhost:8080" (bad).  My libreelec raspberry pi's on my network do not have this issue. 
Some background info... web browsing is enabled, port 8080 (just like the libreelec raspberry pis).  If it matters, I cannot access the debian/kodi by 192.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080.  I see a portion of the web control page with "profiles/remote/movies/etc" along the top along with a red box that says "connection to server lost". 

Am I missing some packages?  Do I need to reconfigure something?  Any tips appreciated!
Feels funny replying to my own thread.  Problem solved.  Turns out I that by adding a
ExecStartPre=bin/sleep 5
in my kodi.service systemd unit file did the trick.  I guess kodi launched before the network did.  This modification also fixed the mysql shared database as well.  I'm good to go!
That's not a proper solution. Depend on the network service in your systemd file if you need it. sleep is never a solution.

After = systemd-user-sessions.service sound.target network-online.target
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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kodi not showing up properly in windows "media devices"0