Impossible to quit Kodi with autostart

Hi have a little problem with my kodi installation on htpc since i had to drop the Kodi-openbox to upgrade to Leia and ubuntu 17.10

Kodi autostart now with a fxce ~/.config/kodi.desktop script, and I disabled the login prompt with lightdm. But since then, I can't go back to the fxce GUI, Kodi keep restarting. And if a do ctrl+alt+f1 to go to CLI, I can't startxfce4.

But my htpc is set to be portable so I need to be able to go back to GUI to connect to new wifi networks.

I have the knowledge in Linux to build my htpc from a minimal ubuntu, but it's thin and after long hours looking for a solution, I need help to figure out the problem and solve it.

Thank you for reading me and for the help you could maybe provide.
Just undo the settings you did to get yourself into the same situation:

Remove your autostarting script to stop that from happening, and change the LightDM settings to once again present a greeter.
It's what I did last night, Put back the login GUI, same problem. When I longin with the Kodi user, it start kodi no matter what. And I still can't quit.

The only one setting I can't change is from the autostart panel inside xfce GUI, and since I can't get to the GUI... I tried to find a workaround to change this setting from CLI, but it keep doing it even if a delete the kodi.desktop file from the .config/autostart in my user folder, and I can't identify the kodi process in /etc/xdg/autostart...

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