v18 Kodi 18 crash Windows 10 playing "SD" files
Hi, Kodi newbie here. I upgraded from my Popcorn Hour to HTPC (Win10, Leia nightly - main reason was ESTUARY Mod2 and ability to customize main menu) with Kodi. It is awesome in so many ways but... I struggle with crashing while attempting to play old .avi files (mostly TV shows). It crashed immediatly after hitting Enter on selected file. I also tried searching on forums, but couldn't find a general answer. It seems log has to be reviewed. I attach two logs for different file.


Thanks in advance.
I have to give you credit for running 18.0-ALPHA1, One or more of your many 3rd party add-ons is the root of the problem. I'd suggest installing Kodi Stable (17.6 atm) in portable mode without ANY add-ons, prove out the hardware and installation and if that doesn't work let's have a proper debug log from that.

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Kodi 18 crash Windows 10 playing "SD" files0