Why? PVR 4K channels buffering :(
Hi guys,

2018 soccer World Cup starts tomorrow and i really want to watch all those matches i Ultra HD. But the 2 4K channels i have are buffering Sad

What could be wrong? I have no problem playing 4K movies on the same Nvidia shield device but live tv buffers.

Please see log:


Two UHD/4K streams, each 50fps, equaling 4K video at 100fps. And you wonder why you have stutters?
One 4K video is no problem, two is a different matter. What is the total bitrate of those combined videos?
Im not sure you are reading this right. I have 2 different 4K channels that both stutters/buffers. Ofcourse im only playing one at a time
Hmpf... I may have taken a wrong turn there.

Sorry. Smile
No worries Smile

Hopefully someone can tell from the logs what wrong or maybe point me in the right direction to what to try in an advanced setting.xml to increase the buffer if that where the problem lies.
no one with any suggestions?

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Why? PVR 4K channels buffering :(0