Win PulseEight Thread #125375
Hello boys and girls, im out of luck and after days of google and reading posts and trying different things its just close to have to have an end... well before i throw the pulse eight adapter to the trashcan i give it a shot here and maybe someone more expirienced kodi user could help me on this

setup is as following:
windows 10 pc pulseeight adapter -> onkyo av receiver which supports cec and a playsation proofed my setup works cause its controllable via cec via av receiver remote

next to mention the cec-tray app that comes with the pulseeight adapter works too!! it can control the receiver and the receiver can control it, i can even scroll my browser through the receiverremote

but then i launch kodi an the "problems" start... i got it as far that it will auto select the right output on de AV receiver but nothing more than this... up/down/left/right and all othe commands from the avr remote wont work, i also tried to replace the 4.0.1 cec.dll in the kodi folder with a 4.0.2 cec.dll but that didnt help... i dont find anything interresting in the debug log either, only thing i notice is, i got a TV with an raspberry pi in my bedroom when i turn it on it first says "connecting to pulse eight" and then "connecting to TV" on my win 10 machine / av receiver setup it just writes "connectig to pulseeight" nothing more

could anyone give me a hint what i could try next?

next try:

i took an old rpi1 i had spare and installed libreelec, no luck either, the problem presists anywehre between the onkyo AVR and KODI... still the AVR can control a playstation and other devices without any problem, even the pc with the cec tray software as i mentioned before... but not kodi...

Now got an cec capable epson beamer in my setup, everything works like a charm... it seems that kodi just doesnt like the onkyo avr or vice versa so case closed for me

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PulseEight Thread #1253750