v18 Kodi EPG data disappears after resuming
Hi, my EPG data is updated daily and appears correctly in NextPVR. However, when my PC resumes from sleep the EPG data is missing in Kodi. If I clear the data from within Kodi options and force Kodi to get it from NextPVR the EPG data reappears. The same thing occurs whether using Kodi's caching option or not. Is there an option I'm missing here or is something become broken in the latest nightlies?

I'm using v18 RC nightlies on a Win10 PC. I'll provide logs etc. if required.
It may be to do with a known Kodi issue where all network requests fail after resuming from sleep. This only affects Windows builds of Kodi. It had been noted as causing various weird issues with PVR addons https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/issues/14811

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