Better version of kodi for shield, 18.1 or 18.2 rc?
Hello, I would like to know what version of kodi you use in shield, since I have read in other forums that the version 18.1 that there is in the play store gives some problems of cache in the reproduction of videos. Do you recommend any version 18.2 rc better than 18.1? Thank you.
The one that goes better with the shield is 18.0 with the other versions I have problems with the streaming content from Google Drive, Nas, Netflix
(2019-03-26, 21:25)GGATEV Wrote: The one that goes better with the shield is 18.0 with the other versions I have problems with the streaming content from Google Drive, Nas, Netflix

And how to roll back to 18? As indeed I found 18.1 less stable. For instance it constantly crashes after 2-3 minutes of updating music library...

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Better version of kodi for shield, 18.1 or 18.2 rc?0