Solved Icon sound
I use Kodi V18 on a Nvidia Shield.
Sometimes, a white sound icon appears in the middle at the top of the screen and does not want to disappear. If I restart the Shield, the icon is no longer there at startup, but will come back some time later.


How can I delete this icon that remains throughout the entire movie playback, even on Kodi's menus?

Thank you!
That icon is in use if you change the volume inside kodi. As for the reason (and as far as I can see on the icon) the circle is "full" I guess something presses/executes "volume up".

Woudl you please share a Debug Log how you play a video. As from the screenshot above you don't have anything scraped in your library because the "films"-section seems to be empty.
(2019-03-30, 09:19)DaVu Wrote: That icon is in use if you change the volume inside kodi. As for the reason (and as far as I can see on the icon) the circle is "full" I guess something presses/executes "volume up".

Woudl you please share a Debug Log how you play a video. As from the screenshot above you don't have anything scraped in your library because the "films"-section seems to be empty.
J'avais activé une fonctionnalité du Shield qui me permettait de contrôler le volume de ma tv LG via la télécommande du shield. Le bug devait être là.
En désactivant ceci, l'icône a disparu.

Ce que je ne m'explique pas, c'est que cette fonctionnalité était activée depuis plusieurs mois... Peut-être une maj du shield.

(2019-03-30, 09:19)DaVu Wrote: That icon is in use if you change the volume inside kodi. As for the reason (and as far as I can see on the icon) the circle is "full" I guess something presses/executes "volume up".

Woudl you please share a Debug Log how you play a video. As from the screenshot above you don't have anything scraped in your library because the "films"-section seems to be empty.
I had activated a Shield feature that allowed me to control the volume of my LG tv via the shield remote control. The bug was supposed to be there.
By disabling this, the icon has disappeared.

What I can't explain is that this feature had been activated for several months.... Maybe a shield maj.

Thank you.
Yeah, I would suspect a CEC quirk then either introduced by the TV or the shield Wink. No clue which device caused it then Wink

Thread marked solved
(2019-03-30, 10:13)DaVu Wrote: Yeah, I would suspect a CEC quirk then either introduced by the TV or the shield Wink. No clue which device caused it then Wink

Thread marked solved
Please tell me how you solved this annoying bigger. Thanks.
this issue apens nly in teme Estuary i change to Confluence and desapear.
I am using nvidia sheild pro

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Icon sound0