PC Remote for Android
I see there is a Kodi remote control for android phones called “Kore”. I need to control the audio volume of my PC remotely as well as the movie playback volume from within Kodi. Will I be able to access both with the Kore remote? If not can someone recommend an android remote for my PC?
You can control Kodi with the Kore app on any device it's installed on. Just make sure your Kodi installation is allowing remote control access, see here:


Note: you can only control Kodi this way (not other software on your PC) but it sounds like that's what you want to do, control Kodi. You can't control your master sound with it but yes you can alter the sound from within Kodi (ie whatever is playing in Kodi).
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(2019-04-07, 21:34)ZakF Wrote: I see there is a Kodi remote control for android phones called “Kore”. I need to control the audio volume of my PC remotely as well as the movie playback volume from within Kodi. Will I be able to access both with the Kore remote? If not can someone recommend an android remote for my PC?Thanks,Zak

If you want to control the Windows system volume on the PC, Unified Remote is what I use.  It also allows full mouse/keyboard control as well.  Although it does require a separate program to be running on the PC.

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