synchronize kodi on android tv with kodi on pc possible?
hello im new to kodi..

I run kodi from my synology nas using NFS
I have it on my sony android tv using the app from google play
And I have it on my windows pc

Is there a way to synchronize those two?
So I can do some changing to the library on the pc, and see those changes on my tv also?
(2019-04-09, 08:55)stapper56 Wrote: Is there a way to synchronize those two?

You can synchronize the metadata of your movies, tv shows and music (videos) collection via a shared MySQL database.
Other than that, installed addons or other data on each Kodi client will have to be synced in some other fashion.
Give Emby a try. Centralised database on your Synology NAS - I'm using it with 4 Kodi-clients.
I am new to Kodi also and only started "playing" with it recently.  I had a library on my PC (study) and one on my android box (living room).  It might be worth looking into the uPNP options on your kodi.  You can set up one as a server that pushes your libraries to another client kodi.  

I just wanted to have one library though so ended up sharing files via the windows file share
im also new with kodi.... I took it because the app on my nas has no licence for dts... and kodi has no problem with that.
I make website's so i already had a web server running with maria db 10 and phpmyadmin..
Took me a while to find that 10 is not running on port 3306 but on 3307...

followed a turtorial to make an advancedsetting.xml and put that under userdata in the kodi on my pc.
So it can connect to the database on the nas

and it works like a charm Tongue

thanks for the help folks!
(2019-04-16, 08:28)stapper56 Wrote: Took me a while to find that 10 is not running on port 3306 but on 3307...
Basically because you then can run MySQL and MariaDB simultaneously. And MySQL was the first. Smile
But you can also configure MariaDB to run on 3306 if that's the only SQL server you have.
Good forum this mate...

It runs really fast, Im happy, and I will dive more in kodi.
Much to see and to learn...


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synchronize kodi on android tv with kodi on pc possible?0