DVB-T2 USB on Kodi

I have a dvb-t2 usb key "My Gica T230C" that I thought compatible with Kodi.
When I start Kodi and go on TV menu, I get an error message saying nothing is detected.

After some research, I saw that it was compatible only after the installation of a driver.

To install the drivers I found this page: https://bitbucket.org/CrazyCat/media_build/src/master/
Or this command : git clone https://bitbucket.org/CrazyCat/media_build

Is it possible to do something with that on Kodi ?
Not on Raspbian.

It might need a back-end in between it and Kodi (with the relevant PVR addon installed in Kodi). Something like TVHeadEnd perhaps?
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Try LibreElec as your operating system for Kodi. There is a package for TV card drivers. I can't remember what it is at the moment, but it's easy to find.

Then, as already suggested, you need a TV server backend. I use TVHeadEnd on a raspberry pi. Depending on whether you want to record TV a lot, you may need to do more configuration to save files to external network locations. It's pretty straightforward (I managed it!).
Thank you for your answers !
I find this version of LibreElec http://cvh.libreelec.tv/ with some driver. The last version dates from two years ago, I mean the first version of my usb key is as old so it could do it.

But without installing a plugin it always puts me the same error message the 3 types of DVB drivers
I saw a Tvheadend Server plugin that does not change anything.
And a TVHeadend HTSP Client that removes the error message from the TV menu, but does not allow me to search or display channels for as much.
(2019-09-06, 20:56)zed200 Wrote: Thank you for your answers !
I find this version of LibreElec http://cvh.libreelec.tv/ with some driver. The last version dates from two years ago, I mean the first version of my usb key is as old so it could do it.

But without installing a plugin it always puts me the same error message the 3 types of DVB drivers
I saw a Tvheadend Server plugin that does not change anything.
And a TVHeadend HTSP Client that removes the error message from the TV menu, but does not allow me to search or display channels for as much.
To correctly use a DVB Tuner standalone in LibreElec you need :

1. The correct Linux DVB drivers installed. (This lets your Pi interface with the tuner)  You may also need the right driver firmware file (which is uploaded to the DVB-T2 stick on initialisation) in some cases.
2. A backend service like TV Headend server installed. (This is the backend that actually tunes to the right frequencies, receives the audio and video streams, copes with EPG data, scheduling recordings etc.)
3. A PVR frontend installed (for TV Headend server you install the TV Headend PVR Client) This connects to the TV Headend backend server and handles the actual viewing of Live TV and recorded TV, gives you an EPG user interface etc. 

If you install the latest version of LibreElec you should see that there are a couple of different DVB Driver add-ons.  The cvh builds were there before this approach was used, and are no redundant.  You may find that your USB DVB-T2 device is now in the standard Linux kernel driver subsystem, or the kernel distributed by LibreElec (which is often ahead of the standard Linux builds) and no longer requires additional custom drivers (though CrazyCat is often significantly ahead of the game).  Similarly you may find that the firmware is now in the core firmware distributed.

You will need to install the TV Headend server AND configure it via it's built in web server (http://your-pi-ip-address:9981 ) to tune the right frequencies (I do this manually but the wizard may work)  If you see your device in the Config->DVB Inputs->TV Adapters tab then potentially all is going well.   If you see no adapters there, you don't have suitable drivers installed (or possibly firmware)

( To check the drivers are installed correctly then SSH into your pi and see if : ls /dev/dvb works without an error and contains an 'adapter0' device.  For more info dmesg | grep dvb can be useful )

You will need to install the TV Headend PVR Client and enable it.

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DVB-T2 USB on Kodi0