Yatse alternative for Linux
I have the idea of building a wifi remote control with a touchscreen using a rpi zero w thta I have laying around. My first guess was to use yatse but it isn't available for linux. My question is: are there any good alternatives for yatse that have the same functionality for Linux?
No idea !!  BUT, I do have an idea about how to do this.  You could leverage Kodi's built in web-interface, maybe using something like https://github.com/bailus/Hax and then you just need to run a browser in full screen on your Pi Zero.   Other web interfaces are available but that's the one that sprang to mind for a touchscreen as it's designed for mobile/tablet use.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
(2020-01-22, 14:39)black_eagle Wrote: No idea !!  BUT, I do have an idea about how to do this.  You could leverage Kodi's built in web-interface, maybe using something like https://github.com/bailus/Hax and then you just need to run a browser in full screen on your Pi Zero.   Other web interfaces are available but that's the one that sprang to mind for a touchscreen as it's designed for mobile/tablet use.
You mean like mirroring kodi to another browser?
Ah I looked into the Readme.
Sounds like a good idea. The interface is straight forward and I can use raspbian for it with ARM optimized browser. Nice! Thank you!
No, Kodi has it's own web interface.  See https://kodi.wiki/view/Web_interface  You can install different addons which change the look and functionality of that interface.  Chorus 2 I think now comes as default but there are others, such as the one I linked.

Try it on a local machine if you can.  Make sure you have enabled the webserver (settings->services->control->allow remote control via http) then browse to http://localhost:8080  (or whatever port you have specified).  You can then use that in just the same way as a remote on a phone (depending which web interface you have installed).


Cross-posted there, but yes that's it essentially. You're welcome Smile
Learning Linux the hard way !!

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