Android Question Regarding Android App Shortcuts
Just installed Rapier and WOW, amazing skin, one question I have I added my Android apps (netflix/disney+) as a favourite, then added a custom home screen item for said favourite,

Is there a way to add the app to the homescreen, without it being in my favourites list, I have toyed around for a bit and can't figure it out, Thank You
Hi gimpacause.

Thanks a lot for the kind words and support.

It should absolutely be possible to add an addon as a custom home screen category using the presets dialog.

Go to Skin Settings > Home > Add more categories > Custom X > 
- Button Properties: Type - Preset
- Click Path
- Presets Dialog: Videos > Select addon (select your addon)

Maybe you have to choose Select Addon from one of the other categories (Programs etc.).

Let me know if this helps.

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