[Windows] Bugs in XMBC CPU 50% using Nvidia, 1-2% when minimized
installad alpha 4, still plays catch up only less then Alpha 3

log: http://pastebin.com/dd76daca

nvidia FX 5200
AMD X2 3800+
1.5 Gb RAM
When messing around with a friends windows installation, I've accidentally discovered that just opening NVIDIA's fancy control panel (and keeping it open) does the trick and lowers the CPU usage to around 5%.

P.S. I did that to enable Triple Buffering which is what I use in my linux installation to lower the CPU usage.
enabling tripple buffering and/or vsync has no effect,

laptop running nvidia 7900GS

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[Windows] Bugs in XMBC CPU 50% using Nvidia, 1-2% when minimized0