Broken Funimation Now plugin in Kodi Ofiicial Repository Does Not Play Video Anymore.
I was able to use the official repository's Funimation Now plugin for a few days before it suddenly stopped playing videos. Now it does nothing when I select an episode. I also keep getting notifications that say "Internal Server Error. Using cached data if it exists," although this occurred even before videos stopped playing. Is there something that I can do to fix it? Is there some alternative available that will let me watch shows from Funimation with my subscription? I have a Raspberry Pi 3, and Kodi 18.9 Leia on LibreElec 9.2.7 with widevine.

I have tried rebooting my Raspberry Pi, uninstalling and reinstalling the add-on, clearing my user data from the add-on, resetting LibreElec, and reinstalling LibreElec.

Here's a log of my Raspberry Pi booting up and me trying to play an episode in Funimation Now:

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Funimation Now plugin in Kodi Ofiicial Repository Does Not Play Video Anymore.0