How to parameter the display of all SAGA
I have searched but not yet found.
How do you setup the default SAGA display ?
Currently when I opened a SAGA, the display is setup to view : "LIST".
I want to change this view to "INFO WALL". (hope this is the real name, because as I am in french, I don't know the real name in english).
I can do it. But if I go in another SAGA, the default view is still "LIST".
I have to enter in each SAGA to change the view.
I don't want to do that one by one. I'm sure there must be a parameter somewhere to define the default view.

Can you please help me ?
This is a Kodi thing. Whenever you select a view in a particular section for the first time it is written to the ViewModes6.db file. If you always change the exact same item when testing different viewtypes it is not an issue but if you use a different one then an entry is written to have separate views based on your changes. Only way I know how to "fix" it is to delete that file and make your choice one time and it should stick for all subsequent sets (sagas), tv shows, movies... etc. Deleting this file will remove all other saved viewmode preferences.

ViewModes6.db is in your userdata (wiki) /Database
Thank you for your reply.
It seems to work. Thank you :-)

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How to parameter the display of all SAGA0