NVIDIA SHIELD help for a friend.
I'm asking for someone who has recently bought one of these/those NVIDIA shield (PRO) devices and installed KODI on it.

I have kodi on my RasPi and it is great.   Alas it is an older pi but the look/feel of KODI on it inspired them to get the shield (to play "modern" formats on).

It is up to date with software and has the lates KODI on it.

It plays back (from youtube) 4K/2K/HDR movies all fine.....   Well, it is hard to know if it isn't if you don't know/have a base line.
The TV is 4K/HDR so all things being equal the hardware should work ok as a start.

There are a LOT of problems seen using KODI on the shield and I am asking as it seems silly them asking on the NVIDIA forum when the problem seems more with KODI than the shield.

1 - Plugging a USB3 hard drive into the sheild:  KODI doesn't list some files which are MP4 format.  But putting the same files on a USB STICK: they are visible.
2 - Fast Forward and Rewind don't seem to work.   If watching a movie and you "Fast Forward" (increasing speed each time you press the button) pressing the PLAY button resumes playing where you last were.   Same with Rewind.
This seems odd/weird as on my RasPi (older version of KODI) those buttons work fine and you can FF or RW to any part of the movie and start watching it from there.
3 - Icons indicating file status.   There are 2 icons that may be shown.   WATCHED or WATCHING.    The first being a TICK and the second being a triangle pointing to the right.
We can watch movies until half way - or at least a decent way into the movie - and stop the playback.   This takes you back to the file list.   The file is NOT marked as WATCHING, and if you click on the file again, it starts at the start.
Kind of goes against being able to stop a movie half way through and then come back to it later.
This seems to work differently between the external HD and the external USB stick.
(Both formatted with the same file system - NTFS if I am not mistaken)

Those are the 3 main ones that come to mind for now.

Could someone help me and my mate with what is going on and how to get things working better?

Thanks in advance.

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